Recording Retreat 2019

Please place your order via the Recording Retreat order form instead of through the online store. We will invoice you for the selected kits before the retreat.

You won't be charged shipping. California residents will be charged sales tax.

Retreat Attendee Discounts

Orders for the S-25 kit will be invoiced at $199, rather than $249. Orders for the S-87, S-12, S-47, T-47, T-12 will be invoiced at 10% below the prices indicated on this page.

DIY Microphone Kit Overview

If you're not familiar with our products, the following guide might be useful. But we encourage you to read the individual product pages for more information:

  • Most popular vocal mic: T-12
  • Most popular "anything" mics: S-25, S-87
  • Most versatile mic: S3-87
  • Most popular piano mic: S-47
  • Most popular drum OH mics: SDC-84, T-12
  • Easiest to build: S-25, T-12, T-47
  • Recommended first-time DIY microphone kit: S-25
  • Hardest to build: all the S3 models, and the transformerless SDC
  • Not recommended for your first DIY audio kit: S3 series, SDC mics, V-251
  • Most popular snare mic: SDC-84 "High SPL" edition.

Custom Colors

If you choose an S-87, S-12, S-47, T-12, or T-47 (but not the S3 mics or the S-25) feel free to choose a custom color option too; they'll be invoiced with a 10% discount.