AKG P220 Mods

The AKG P220, the 2nd-generation version of the Perception 220 (or, perhaps, the 3rd generation version of the Perception 200) borrows the circuit design and capsule design from the famous Neumann U87Ai. Yet the resulting microphone is much brighter and peakier than the U87, due in part to the circuit and in part to the capsule.
Modifying the P220 circuit is impractical, due to the fact that it is entirely implemented via surface-mount components. But it is easy and surprisingly effective to change the mic's capsule.
Capsule Replacement for the AKG P220

We recommend replacing the AKG capsule with our RK-87. Although similar in architecture to the AKG version, the RK-87 has a lower-amplitude high-frequency peak and a smoother response. If you find your P220 to have too much output in the 10–12kHz region, making the mic sound like every other cheap imported condenser, the RK-87 will fix it.
Click through to the AKG Perception Mod Kit page to see a before-and-after frequency sweep. It will show the acoustic effect of the new capsule.