Demo Mic Sale

$ 263.00 $ 348.00

Pictured from left to right:

  1. AT2020, upgraded via our AT2020 mod kit. Includes our new, larger capsule, plus a pristine circuit based on the Schoeps design. Also includes two additional improvements to increase the mic's tolerance for mechanical shock, which also reduce microphonics. Includes zipper pouch and swivel mount. Retail value: $309.
  2. AT2020. Same as #1.
  3. AT2020. Same as #1, although this mic has numerous cosmetic blemishes including a slightly mashed top grille. (The donor mic was purchased used, so the housing is worn. The signal path components are new.)
  4. Stellar Labs CM1800, upgraded via our CM1800 mod kit. Includes elastic shockmount. Retail value: $272.

The AT2020 is compatible with our Cutaway Shockmount.

(BTW, despite the word "Demo" in the page title, these mics have never been used. We  built them for testing, or as photo models.)


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